Thursday, October 09, 2008

Guns in the Classroom

Norah with her craft in one hand and gun in the other.

As Norah comes running up to me after school today, holding tightly to her teacher's hand, she yells "MAMA, I BROUGHT A GUN TO SCHOOL"!
Being the good and responsible (read - humiliated and confused) mom I am, I immediately tried to shush her and scoot her away from the teacher. After inspection, it seems my little monkey packed Emerson's pirate gun into her backpack before school today. Of all the toys! I would have guessed an extra purse packed with little fairies, pieces of her jewelry, perhaps a stuffed animal friend? The standard favorites! Nope. She went for a gun, a toy she hardly ever touches.
And so ends our first week of pre-school!


Rosie's Blog said...

I love this story. What ever happened to Zero Tolerance?

Anonymous said...

At least she didn't bring the machine gun, or is that still a spear? Have any of the preschool gangs tried to recruit her for her bo staff skills?

The Skogen Family said...

Seriously - was this destined to happen, or what? This is what I get for claiming my house as a toy gun free zone, then letting Emerson have a toy pirate gun. And - the other toy is a SWORD, not a spear... ;-)