Sunday, January 22, 2006

All dressed up and somewhere to go.

~ After church and then kisses for Kodiak and the monkey~
Kodiak spoke at his church today, so Norah and I decided to go listen. He did such a good job - was well-organized, had a meaningful message, and was a little bit funny as well. Norah kept pointing at him up behind the podium and at one point she caught Kodiak's eye and distracted him from his talk. Fortunatly he came back to sit with us when he was done and then he and Grandma Peggy entertained Norah for the rest of the service.

On an equally spiritual note Norah had an opportunity to wear the beautiful dress Grandma Carmen gave her for her birthday... :-) OK, not spiritual, but lots of fun to dress up!
Too hungry to wait until after she changed! She ran off while I was trying to put her comfy clothes on. I guess she likes the jester look...

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