Monday, December 18, 2006

Zoo, yes!

In an unsuccessful attempt to encourage labor, Norah and I went to Zoo Lights with Grandma Peggy and Uncle Kodiak. We ended up in a parking space that was front row - and our luck held from there. Although a bit more crowded and lots more chilly than the first time, it was still a great visit. Grammie found a neat light wand for Norah and she enjoyed that throughout our trip. We wandered all over, had hot chocolate and dinner, and even a ride on the zoo train. On the way back to our house we drove past lots of beautiful Christmas lights and sang Christmas carols (you'll have to have Kodiak sing you his versions of some of them).
Thanks Grandma and Kodiak!

Surprising Mama with Grandma's gloves

Riding the zoo train

Enjoying the ride with Grandma

A walk past beautiful lights

In case you didn't know where we were!

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