Thursday, December 21, 2006

Lloyd Center, Miniature Golf, yes...Baby, no...

Well, we're doing everything we can here to help Baby S arrive! Its looking like December 21st is not the big birthday. :-)
This morning Norah and I met Aunt Laurie and Baby 'Belle at Lloyd Center to exchange presents and meet Santa. What an adventure! Isabelle is about the happiest baby we have ever met - and quite the willing model for pictures. She always has a smiley face on for the camera. well, you'll see how quickly that can change....

Yay, waiting for Santa!

Laurie sets Isabelle down and instant tears pop out! She is not a fan of creepy men in weird outfits. Laurie picked her back up to sooth her, while Norah took a turn. Isabelle was happy as can be with mom, but when placed back on Santa's lap she definitly made her views known again. Get me off!!

Norah steps in for a little action, between efforts with Isabelle. This is her 3rd time sitting on Santa's lap - she is beginning to take it in stride, but was still anxious for her turn.

The great escape - Quick Belle, run!!

Look at this'd never guess that just minutes ago she met the weirdest fella ever. She is such a good sport!

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