Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Ryan's first time at OMSI

Sunday, September 24th, 2006

Can you believe it? Ryan finally had his first trip to OMSI with Norah and me. It was a beautiful, sunny day, so we spent time outside as well. The 6 and under play area there is GREAT for kids. Keeps Norah (and me) entertained for hours!

Peek! This was a very funny game. :-)

Ryan seems to have snuck his shoes into the sand pit. OK, so did I...

At one point Norah brought over a bunch of shovels to share with another child. As she kept handing them to him, he told her "I only have two hands!".

Diligently making plans for tree placement along the waterfall.

Inspecting bugs - thats my girl!
Looking for the eagle's nest, by way of a foxes cave.

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