Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Meeting Ryan at the airport

Ryan returned from a business trip today from the exotic location of Sacramento, CA. Norah and I went to pick him up, which was quite a treat considering Norah's fascination with airplanes and castle/towers (the air traffic control tower). She was absolutely gleeful when we drove within view of the tower. As I pulled her out of the car she started yelling "Daaaaddddy....are you???" at the top of her lungs - this lasted through the airport and until we saw Ryan come through security. In case anyone was confused about why we were there. :-) We stopped for dinner at the Stanfords inside and Norah gave me lots of ettiquette gold stars when she sat in her booster seat, unrolled her napkin and placed it on her lap. Some of those may have been taken away when she later became bored and shmeared handprints on the glass between booths.... Using her best manners
Looking for Daddy!

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