Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Third time is *NOT* a Charm

Today was such a beautiful day I decided to take the kids to the park again. Since it was so nice, I invited Grammie and Kodiak to join us. Whew, who knew things could go so wrong?? After unloading at the park we walked up to a play area, where EVERY CHILD (count 4) I had with me went into an hysterical fit. Crying, sobbing, yelling...you name it. What a disaster. Eventually Kimberly calmed down and enjoyed herself - and Emerson had a couple moments of happiness. As soon as my mom arrived and Norah and Hadley caught sight of her they bolted over, sobbing in her arms. What a welcome. Needless to say, we left after about 15 minutes. Ugh.

Emerson's short happy period

I love this tree and make everyone get their pic with it. :-) Even Kodiak, who is too cool for pics. Check out his spiffy WSU sweatshirt - he is taking early enrollment classes at the WSU - Vancouver campus.

Kodiak, running back and forth to spin Hadley and Kimmie!

1 comment:

Dave & Katie Butler Family said...

I wonder who was more dizzy Kodiak or the girls?