Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Emerson Grows

Emerson was so fussy here, but I just wanted to get a pic of how curly his hair is right after his bath. He wasn't very cooperative. :-) He's wearing a shirt that my friend, Schabahn, gave Norah when she was about this age. It was too cute on Norah - and even more appropriate on Emerson.
Emerson has really been growing the last few weeks! He has actually started to say several words (and within hearing of people beside me, which somehow makes it more validating!) like Mama, Daddy, Dog, Binky (oh dear), Hi, and I think he's even said Grandma twice. Woohoo! He just chatters away, although we don't understand most of it. Emerson's signing skills have really blossomed as well - he now regularly says More, Eat, All Done, waves Goodbye, Dog and Drink. Whew - its really been an explosion in communication! Needless to say, we've loved it. He is also a maniac - runs, climbs, jumps - whatever he needs to do to get where he wants to be. Its so much fun to watch him figuring things out.

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