Sunday, January 18, 2009

Scootering Around

Today has been gorgeous - we took advantage of the chilly/windy, but sunny day and went on a walk by the Columbia. Norah and Emerson were able to break out their Christmas scooters from G&G Butterfield finally (so far they've been riding them around the house) and test out their skills. Ryan has never been one to follow rules, so he risked life and limb to give Emerson a close up view of a train. E was in heaven with the trains going by and the planes flying overhead.

Watching the river

After a short scooter trip, Emerson decided it was too slow and he was just going to pull his scooter along after him. :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh! I love that Cars scooter. Thanks for that birthday idea for Drew. Looks like you guys had a fun little afternoon. It's intolerably freezing here in sunny central Oregon. Bah!