Friday, March 23, 2007

A few days...

Playing a bit of catch up for our week! Emerson slept outside of our room for the first time this week. I believe he is sleeping better, but I am on edge listening for any noises. After this becomes routine, I imagine we'll both have better nights. He has also beeing "talking" up a storm. He coos and coos, especially in the mornings.We went to storytime at Barnes and Noble at Lloyd Center on Thursday - it was much smaller than the one we usually go to at the library, but Norah really likes the trains. The added benefit - Ryan can walk over from work to meet us for lunch!

Craft time - painting Thomas the Tank Engine
Play time - Emerson has been kicking at the toys on his play mat and rolling back and forth. He is a regular at rolling from tummy to back, but is still working on the opposite.
We stopped for lunch and to play at McDonalds (or Old MacDonalds, as its known at our place). We generally try to avoid fast food for Norah. When she saw where we were going, she said "We are having sneaky food". That cracked me up so I asked her where she had heard that and she said "Daddy likes sneaky food". That REALLY cracked me up. :-)
Emerson was ready for a nap!
Shameless logo placement - Norah was really brave about climbing through the tubes and going down the slides.
Enjoying the warm weather

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