Thursday, March 30, 2006


Grandma Peggy, Norah and I spent time at OMSI on Wednesday morning. There is a music session every week and we thought we'd take advantage of it. After we arrived we remembered this week is spring break - I've never seen so many kids before! Norah quite enjoyed herself and Mom and I came home ready for a nap. Wow, was it over-stimulating! Norah and Grandma made playdough toys, a crown (featured in her pics), shopped for plastic veggies and built Lego extravaganzas. I guess Grandma and Norah deserved the nap; in retropect I think I did a lot of watching them play! Norah also played in the water feature...and drank out of it was well. Yuck - hopefully she won't be bringing home any more sickness (we've had plenty this week and are jsut finally coming out of it). The live band was great - lots of fun for the kids and very interactive. We can't wait to see who plays next week!

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