Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Its a baby!

Uncle Neil and Aunt Dannelle called to let us know they are expecing a baby in September. Yay! They will be wonderful parents to the little one. I am voting that they name her Heather, but I think they have other plans. If its a girl, she'll be little Josie Neil wants to name a boy Rhett (yes, like Rhett Butler in Gone with the Wind) Dannelle is probably praying for a girl. :-)

I couldn't find a pic of Neil and Dannelle, but I did find one of all my brothers! L-R = Robert, Lee, David, Kodiak and Neil. Neil is sporting a sassy pose...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There are other girl names that I thought up but Dannelle doesn't like them. I'm really not sure why though. My favorite one is Roxanne.