Saturday, August 23, 2008

Butler Family Reunion

What happens when you have so many Butlers gather in one place? Nothing quite sane...

This year we gathered for what we hope will become an annual tradition, a summer family camping trip. My mom had planned the trip a good 8 months out - and it was perfect. Everyone met up at Trillium Lake, on Mt Hood. Although the Skogens couldn't make it up for the entire weekend, we surely enjoyed when we were there! Norah did go up and stay with Grammie and Misty although I don't know if anyone was able to sleep during the 2 nights up there. Norah has some interesting stories to tell about the new-to-her kybo situation. At one point she told me that Aunt Misty taught just her to back up and not look down. Her serious delivery had me cracking up for quite some time!

1 comment:

Brian and Schabahn said...

a princess who camps? What a truly unique combination! I'm amazed that you have time to make such a cute and tech. advanced blog.