Tuesday, October 03, 2006

It's Grandpa!

Tuesday, September 26th, 2006

Grandpa Vern stopped by on his way through town this Tuesday. Norah was so excited that he was coming - I told her way too early, so she kept asking when he was going to be here. We spent a bit of time at OMSI, where she got her daily wiggles out. I think she had even more fun with Grandpa there to play with! We picked up Ryan from work and went to Norah's first Mexican-style dinner. Grandpa was very brave to sit by her - at the end of the meal there were beans and rice EVERYWHERE (I don't think we'll be welcomed back). She tried her first spicy salsa and couldn't seem to get enough of it, but in between bites she would frantically wipe her tongue off, then crazily dip for more. Her eyes were even watering! She definitly gets that from Vern and Ryan...the salsa love, not the tongue wiping. :-)
Vern brought her a super-sized lion that she thinks is so neat. As you can see, she sits in his "lap" and rides him around the house. She even likes to share her drinks with the lion, by sitting them in front of its nose.

More salsa, please! Thank you, Grandpa!

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